
Supportive Service

I offer 1:1 supervision for counsellors/therapists. My main theoretical orientation is psychodynamic, but I welcome other perspectives and am happy to include these in the supervision work. As a BACP member, all work is underpinned by the Ethical Framework.

I provide a collaborative and supportive service, with the aim to promote personal awareness, professional development and client welfare. I aim to respond to the individual needs of each supervisee depending on where they are in their professional and personal journey.

Highly Experienced

Having worked in mental health for over 20 years, in healthcare settings, educational settings and in private practice, I have a range of experience in the different challenges working in these environments can present.

I also have experience in working with a range of clients from diverse backgrounds and actively promote the sensitive, respectful and open response towards all aspects of diversity in both the supervisory relationship and in client work.


Sessions are offered on a monthly or fortnightly basis, for periods 90 minutes or 60 minutes. I am also happy to discuss alternative arrangements which may work better for you.

Please do get in touch for further information or to book an initial session.